Members of SGT,
Welcome to Week #6! Hopefully everyone is having a better year than Purdue football…
- If you have not paid your first set of dues, please be sure to reach out to Will or PJ to get that taken care of ASAP. Follow the steps in the attached link to pay:
- This semester, the executive board is holding office hours, which will be held every week on Tuesdays at 14:30-15:30 in WALC 3138 and Wednesdays at 16:00-17:00 in GRIS 126.
- Sign-ups for volunteering at Purdue Space Day are still open! Be sure to include SGT as your group in order to be placed with us! For more information, check out the post in the general slack. Here is the link:
- Sign-ups for volunteering at Imagination Station’s solar eclipse event on Saturday, October 14 are open. This will count as a community service hours for pledges! The link for that is here:
- The social committee will be hosting a dinner event on Monday, October 2 at 18:00 at Chipotle!
- Be on the lookout for winterization sign-ups coming out soon!
- AMM #2 has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 18, at 19:15-20:45 in RAWL 1062. We will be hearing from Professor Shih.
- Although it’s a long ways off, Initiation has also been scheduled already! It will be held Wednesday, December 6, from 18:00-20:00 in ARMS B061. This is the Wednesday of Dead Week.
That’s all for this week!